Thursday, January 14, 2010

You May Be Through With Leno, But Leno's Not Through With You

As I (and just about everyone else in the world) reported earlier this week, Jay Leno's stinking turd of a show is being scuttled.

Shame, that.

At the time, it was also suggested that Leno would be given a new half-hour show, and Conan O'Brien's Tonight Show would be pushed back to midnight. Not really a good deal for The Tonight Show, an even worse deal for O'Brien.

O'Brien was pretty vocal about how he was being shit on by NBC and by Leno, and indicated he would not go along with their plans.

What is a network to do? Fire O'Brien, apparently, and give Leno back The Tonight Show.

So, after Leno stank up the network (and seriously tanked affliates' revenues) for six months, he is being rewarded by returning to The Tonight Show. Nice.

Jebus, doesn't this guy have a vintage fire truck to go ride or something?


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