Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tweet of the Day

That's Mark Lodes, Republican candidate for US Senate, calling ‏@birdgehrl a cunt. Stay classy, Mr. Lodes!


  1. Oh, my. He's running for the same seat Akin is, isn't he? Missouri misogynists have options!

  2. Oh I got it. According to the MRA's it's the women who hate men right? You would never know men hate women from the comments above.

  3. Someone who calls women "cunts" thinks baybeez come from sperm magic? Quelle suprise.

  4. Oh hey, it's the twelvethousandsevenhundredandeightyfourth misogynist of the day! Let's see if I have a few words for him... No. No, I don't.

  5. Please delete this. I'm diabetic & sometimes I say stupid shit when my blood sugar is low. I have apologized. Please don't hang this around my neck like a noose for the rest of my life. Thanks. -Mark

  6. Furthermore I'm not actually a Republican, I was pretending to be one.
